Housing – Service Manual

Last Update 1/11/2022

This manual contains all of the information about the Server Housing and Rack Housing services. It will guide you through the first steps in the data centre and how to proceed when importing your technology to MasterDC Brno or Prague. The “Might Find Useful” section contains links for the most common operations that customers want to perform. In addition, you can also read about the billing options, provided warranties, and the extension or deactivation of your services in the included links at the end of this manual.

Getting Started

  1. An email with the assigned IP addresses, DNS settings, and other instructions will be received before placing the technology in the data centre.
  2. The switch port configuration details can be found in Connecting a Device to the MasterDC Hosting Network.
  3. Deliver the technology to the data centre in a certain location on the pre-arranged date. The space, power, and data cabling will be prepared for you.
    • There is a ramp and pallet truck available on site.
    • It is necessary to supply your own skids and rails for an installation to the rack.
    • MasterDC provides UTP and power cables.
    • Read more about MasterDC Prague and Brno equipment.
  4. Placement of the technology is done in cooperation with a member of the support team or technical department.
  5. You will then receive an activation email along with access to the Customer Administration system. You can log in at https://admin.masterdc.com/.

Placement Specification

  • The rack height is at least 42 U (unless the customer requires otherwise, i.e., smaller).
  • The spacing among the skids is 19”, and depth is always a minimum of 100 cm.
  • Eight IEC 320 C13 female sockets per one circuit breaker are standard.
  • 24-hour access to the stored technologies is assured for customers and authorised persons. Every person entering a data centre must follow the operating rules and regulations of the data centre.
  • There is a customer room available to perform server interventions in both locations.
  • Space for tower servers or rackmount servers is available as well. A technician must be consulted in advance about the placement of atypical hardware.

In the case of any technical troubles, please get in touch with our support on +420 515 919 805 (Option 1 for DC Brno, Option 2 for DC Prague) or email support@master.cz. Alternatively, create a ticket to contact support and administrators in the Customer Administration Ticket section.

Note: When contacting technical support, you will be asked to provide the support password you received in the activation email. You can also find it in Customer Administration (Username > Support Password).

Might Find Useful

About MasterDC Services

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