Make your applications faster

Using an optimised database, the latency is lowered and the capacity increased. As a result, your software, which is database-dependent, becomes faster.

Why to optimise databases

High data availability

Firemní i zákaznická data jsou pro podnikání klíčová. Optimalizací a vhodným zálohováním databáze můžete zvýšit jejich dostupnost a bezpečnost.

Smoother running of applications

Optimalizovaná forma dotazů a vhodně zvolená platforma, hardware a struktura databáze zajistí nižší latenci, a tím i plynulejší běh aplikace.

No more worries about the growth

Přizpůsobená architektura databáze umožňuje lepší škálování. Na přibývající data nebo uživatele aplikace tak lze pružně a pohotově reagovat.

A developer working on database optimisation

Database optimisation will be appreciated by:

  • Confidential and strategic data administrators
  • Application developers who work with enormous amount of data
  • Companies, which need to unify the work with more databases
  • Whoever who needs to make the database more efficient and faster

Why to leave the care of databases to us

How we proceed with optimisation


Contemporary System Analysis


Database Solution Monitoring


Data Collection and Their Evaluation


Parameter Proposal and Adjustments


Performance Comparison after Optimisation

How we optimised the Numbo Call Blocker database

Phone number database is still a crucial part of our applications which removes unsolicited phone calls Numbo Call Blocker. In order to face up to an issue of high latency and to increase database capacity, we did a thorough optimisation. In the chart you can see how the database features changed.

  Before optimisation During optimisation
Items in the database app. 80 thousand app. 14 million
Latency 30–90 s less than 1 s
Number of clients performing data updates 2–5 unlimited
Server infrastructure One server in CR Multiple servers around the world – always close to the client

Do you want to optimise the database?

    Would you like to schedule an online consultation now?

    Our specialists will select a service or customise an offer for you.