Seamless IT operations without downtime

Ensure smooth operation of your IT infrastructure without downtime. Prevent outages and address weaknesses in your IT infrastructure. We prepare your system for fluctuations in workload and unexpected events.

What we take care of


We redesign the architecture and implement load balancing for smooth service operation and handling of seasonal peaks.

Load balancing
Server clusters
Load testing

Data & resource

We duplicate hardware components and set up automatic traffic redirection in case of outages.

Data replication
Geographical redundancy
SPOF elimination

fault detection

We implement systems to identify errors and define threat handling procedures.

Failover technology

& recovery

We design a backup system and strategy, test data recovery, and prepare a disaster recovery plan.

Data storage
Disaster recovery
 Snapshot backup

With the right IT infrastructure architecture, element redundancy, and data replication, you can achieve high availability of services.

Minimising the risk of failure

An automatic failover process and proper load balancing will improve the user experience, resilience and recoverability of enterprise systems.

99. 0 %

Our Cloud Servers guarantees a minimum availability of 99.99%.

We ensure resilience at all levels

Backup resources

Power or component failure will not jeopardize you. We operate everything in N+1 mode and replace faulty parts promptly.

Fully redundant network

Connecting network nodes from at least two independent directions ensures stable connectivity.

Operation in 2 locations

Our geographically separated data centres will help you overcome even extensive outages of the primary site.

Replicated data

Operating across multiple nodes guarantees balanced infrastructure usage and automatic traffic switching.

What you can rely on

Monitoring thousands of customer services, we design IT solutions that reliably minimise downtime for your infrastructure.

Immediate 24/7 support response

An automatic monitoring system continuously monitors service operations. Technical support promptly responds to outages and performance decreases.

Geographic resilience

We implement geoclusters and disaster recovery plans in two separate locations in Czechia: Prague and Brno, ensuring maximum resilience and reliability for your IT.

Service-level agreement

We can contractually guarantee availability at desired levels. SLA sets minimum service quality expectations, providing clarity about the service features.

Cutting-edge technologies & know-how

Our specialised architects build highly available systems using state-of-the-art technologies.

Enhance your servers' performance and availability

    Would you like to schedule an online consultation now?

    Our specialists will select a service or customise an offer for you.

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