Software-defined Connect: How One-Click Connectivity Facilitates Business Operations

One-click connectivity is as simple as it sounds. Without needing to build network infrastructure, you can connect to any cloud in the world with just a few clicks. So, how can you leverage it for the benefit of your business?

Využití Click to Connect v praxi

  • 24. 06. 2024
  • 6 MIN READ
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Flexibility, speed of implementation, and global coverage – all in one Software-defined connect package. However, before diving into how to use this service in practice, let us briefly recap how Software-defined connect differs from traditional network connectivity.

Connectivity Then And Now: The Challenge Of Physical Connections

Connectivity built on physical hardware and links comes with several challenges. These include selecting suitable providers (often requiring multiple providers), configuring collaboration parameters, and negotiating pricing conditions. Only then does the time-consuming process of building network links, configuring individual devices, and establishing connectivity begin.

“From my experience, setting up physical network connectivity can take 4 to 8 weeks, which is something to consider if, for example, you need to cover the peak shopping period on your e-commerce website during Christmas,” says Ondřej Bok, Account Manager at MasterDC.

In comparison, the flexibility of Software-defined connect, built on the Network as a Service (NaaS) concept, eliminates these problems. It allows dedicated data circuits to be operated in a few clicks. The advantage of working with only one provider is that it simplifies network management and makes information on contract terms and costs more transparent. The service price is clear right after entering the target location, required bandwidth, and the period you want to use the service, which could be just one day.

One Click To The Whole World

At MasterDC, we will set up a dedicated port for you, and then it is up to you to choose your destination and bandwidth. You can also choose from over nine hundred locations.

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5 Problems Software-Defined Connect Can Handle

Insufficient or poor connectivity can significantly affect the reliability of provided services. So, what typical connectivity-related problems can Software-defined connecthandle?

  • Connecting To The Public Cloud: Many users of public clouds use the public internet to transfer data. However, this carries both security and reliability risks. The Software-defined connect service provides dedicated circuits worldwide, and thanks to private ports and reserved bandwidth, data reaches the destination much faster than over the public internet. Users can also change the bandwidth according to their current needs at a fraction of the cost.
  • Interconnecting Data Centres: If a company’s infrastructure operates in multiple data centres, it is crucial to ensure that these locations communicate with each other, ideally through a dedicated circuit outside public networks. However, the cost of building private interconnections between data centres can be significantly high. With Software-defined connect, the costs are usually drastically lower, depending on the specific solution. Thanks to the platform’s flexibility, connections to a second data centre can be quickly strengthened during uneven workloads, optimising load distribution.
  • Redundancy: In the event of a fatal failure in the primary location, disaster recovery plans and traffic redirection to backup infrastructure come into play. With one-click connectivity, you can quickly increase your bandwidth and cover the need for higher data traffic away from the primary site. This way, you can minimise service outages and maintain business continuity.
  • Hybrid Cloud Strategy: In the case of a hybrid solution, the customer keeps sensitive data on-premises (at their location) while other non-critical data is stored in the public cloud. At MasterDC, we can connect both places with a private circuit, enhancing security and data transfer speed. Direct connectivity also ensures low latency, and thanks to scalability, resources can be efficiently allocated between both clouds.
  • Short-Term High-Volume Data Transfers: During events such as live conferences, sports events, or live broadcasts, delivering high-quality images in real-time is crucial. Software-defined connect significantly reduces the time required to build connections and physical lines, enabling almost instant high-quality streaming. The advantage is that the bandwidth can be increased for just a few days without paying for periods when the enhanced connection is not utilised.

Practical Applications

We already know the benefits of software-defined connectivity, but how can they be applied in a real-world situation? Let us use three model examples to show the benefits of Software-defined connect in practice.

1. A Call Centre Network Provider

A call centre network company utilises Voice over IP (VoIP) technology for high-quality and fast call transmission. However, this technology relies on stable connectivity. The provider is also experiencing exponential growth, opening new branches and expanding its workforce.

The company utilised international dedicated networks and a 1 Gbps dedicated Ethernet circuit for data transmission. However, due to its growth, this setup became inadequate. The business also collaborated with multiple connectivity providers, leading to confusion related to various contract terms, payments, and lengthy communication.

However, thanks to click connectivity, the company accelerated the process of establishing network connections to new locations. In addition, the flexibility of the on-demand model allowed the bandwidth to be adjusted according to the current workload of the individual call centre branches. Software-defined connectivity also brought centralised network management, cost transparency, and better visibility into resource utilisation.

2. Multi-National Telco Operator

The telecommunications company provides connectivity solutions to its clients, owns thousands of kilometres of optical fibre, and directly interconnects with other local partners. However, in its region, there is a lack of dedicated connections to public clouds. As the company aims to expand, it plans to provide this connectivity to its clients, which involves connecting to Microsoft Azure, IBM, Alibaba Cloud, and AWS.

Building direct physical links to the clouds of multi-national providers would be time-consuming and costly for the company. However, with Software-defined connect, it can establish dedicated data circuits to public clouds and offer this connection to its clients as well. This enables clients to access cloud applications without relying on the public internet, which is prone to unexpected outages and security risks.

3. Freight Carrier

A logistics company transports goods using containers, trains, and cargo ships. Each is equipped with an IoT device containing an identification SIM card with a data plan to track the transported items. The company was, therefore, seeking a partner with global coverage of compatible SIM cards across devices and networks.

The Software-defined connect service allows the carrier to rent the required number of SIM cards and utilise a three-layered solution, which includes a platform for data transmission via mobile networks and a private IP network at its core. This enables the carrier to identify all its devices and obtain precise location data. The integrated device tracking solution is also sufficiently flexible and adapts to the needs of several stakeholders who need to be informed of the movement and location of containers during transportation.

Cost And Time Savings

The Software-defined connect service brings flexibility and cost clarity in particular. Customers can easily adjust the bandwidth and respond flexibly to their business’s current demands without investing in purchasing and maintaining network hardware. The transparent pricing structure also allows for better cost management, as customers can choose the required bandwidth and pay a fixed amount accordingly. This flexibility not only saves on unnecessary expenses but also streamlines resource allocation, ultimately saving time and money.

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