IOPS is an abbreviation for “input/output operations per second”, which indicates how many input and output requests a device can process per second. IOPS is typically measured, for example, for SSDs or more complex data storage.
The total number of IOPS provides information about the disk’s performance and is calculated from the read and write speed plus latency. For example, if the average read and write speed is 0.003 seconds, and the latency is 0.002 seconds, the IOPS would be equivalent to this calculation:
1/(0.003+0.002) = 200 IOPS
In addition to the total number of IOPS, sub-values, such as random read IOPS and random write IOPS, are also specified. These values are particularly important for the speed of the system and application start-up. Sequential read IOPS and sequential write IOPS, which are essential for storing or reading large files, are also measured.
The higher the IOPS value, the more powerful the disk. For example, modern SSD disks achieve significantly better results than conventional mechanical ones.