Control panel for Linux servers

ISPmanager is a complex control panel for Linux server administration. The customers with limited administration experience will particularly appreciate an intuitive web interface.

Why ISPmanager

Panel stability

ISPmanager is not written in PHP, so it runs independently of the ApacheApacheApache is the most popular web server, meaning that it delivers individual web pages to browsers.více server and is faster than some competing panels.

Integration of other tools

High-quality APIs are available to integrate tools such as DNS BIND, Quota, Courier, Dovecot, and more.

Flexible reaction to community

Monthly updates respond to the needs of the community, which are discussed on the forum and systematically recorded, as necessary.

Elementary navigation in ISPmanager

To make it easier for customers to find their way around ISPmanager, we have created a guide, which involves the descriptions of the elementary operations and settings.

ISPmanager 6 license

Licence Lite Pro Host
Number of domains up to 10 up to 50 unlimited
Price  11 € / month  22 € / month 33 €/ month

ISPmanager functions

Security and SSL

In ISPmanager you can create Let’s encrypt SSL certificates by clicking or insert your own certificates

User administration

It enables you to create and manage user accounts, including setting different levels of access.

CMS installation

ISPmanager makes it easy to install CMS such as WordPress or PrestaShop web solutions.

Logs and sources monitoring

For example, ISPmanager monitors logs, processor, RAM, memory, or server availability.

Domain administration

It allows you to easily create and remove domains and aliases, manage their IP, SSL and other parameters.

Multi-PHP version support

Setting up different PHP modes for individual domains is a matter of a few clicks in ISPmanager.


Management of MySQL and PostgreSQL databases and their users with the option to create statements from databases. 


For example, you can set different priorities for automatically backed up data to external storage.